At First Congo, our aim is to create spaces of spiritual connection, to nurture spiritually engaged people who have the capacity and framework to explore the transcendant other and ask the important questions: what does it mean to be human and how sould we live?
On Sunday mornings during our 10:30 a.m. worship service, you will find us worshiping all together-as community. We value proximity during our time together...staying within sight and sound of the other.
Our church is a place of extravagant welcome, where you are invited to show up as you are:
crying baby, squirmy toddler, grumpy preteen, exhausted parent.
The most critical value we can cultivate together on Sunday morning is presence. You belong here. You are seen, blessed, and beloved.
We care that our children experience this faith community as a place that reaffirms their identities, that practices love, that is part of their weekly rhythm, that creates space for their emerging, spiritual selves. And actually, that's what we hope for everyone - cradle to grave.
On Sunday mornings during worship, we invite you to think of our time together as a ministry of presence. our most important work is to be present - to one another, and to the Holy.
Here are some suggestions for how to engage worship on Sunday: